
theres no fun in a perfect life. so make a risk. take a chance. go where the wind takes you. have fun.Blogger Widgets


Saturday, September 10, 2011

tiara hotel dinner~


oh.. pepagi lg dh online~ agak terharu trbangun awal ni.. slalu terbabas biasanya~ hehehe.. anyway, pagi ni just short update jer… ada Accounting Day Out hari ni.. gewww.. xtaw pape ni~ hahaha… nak inform jer yg next update will be about Dinamika’s dinner held on Tiara Hotel, Labuan~ ahaks.. I’ll  post a lot of pics too Smile please wait for it… Smile


Anonymous said...

budak kml rupanyaaa :D

ashlee nursafirah said...

yer... A1.. u A2 kn? btul ke neyh.. teka jer